Ordinal Dickbutts

Ordinal dickbutts are a rare early collection of only  21 original & unique dickbutts inscribed using the ordinal protocol. Each dickbutt was individually made, each dickbutt is below the 69k inscription (60,972 – 61259)

There are only 21 Ordinal DickButts, each Ord-dickbutt is inscribed bellow 69K, with Ordinal Inscriptions now reaching over 71 million inscriptions, Ord-Dickbutts are a very early collection within the ordinal protocol, Each Ord-dickbutt are available via fair/stealth launch at magiceden  and all have a listing price of only 0.069BTC.

Traits will be added at a later stage, with only being a smaller collection, each ord Dickbutt has rare traits, for example there is one that has a mint made error (miss print) background, all traits will be added in due course!

As well as Magiceden, you can also BUY\SELL Ordinal Dickbutts over at Ordinals Wallet